
May was an annoying little month, with it’s three little smug letters. It gives you the impression of being short, yet it crammed itself full of not only great games, but three in particular that take forever to play! I just finished 'Red Dead Redemption' last week. With it’s controversial ending (some smart people loved it, others who don’t understand good storytelling hated it), and addictive gameplay, 'Red Dead Redemption' showed us the first truly successful western game, and I can’t wait to see all the blatant ripoffs it will inspire in the coming years.

There’s also 'Picross 3D.' Just to put the 'Picross 3D' addiction that I have been enjoying for the past two months into perspective, let me share this with you. I have played 'Picross 3D' almost nightly since the day it came out and I am about, oh I would say, halfway through. Yeah. It’s that serious. 'Super Mario Galaxy 2' tricked me. Here I was thinking that I had completed the game in record time, only to discover that collecting 120 stars marks only about the halfway point. Thanks Nintendo. I may be a gamer, but I do have other things to do, like play 'Alan Wake.'

'Alan Wake' was thankfully a bit shorter, but short on quality it was not. A cool 'Stephen King' inspired story, mixed with fun shooting mechanics meant that spending time in Bright Falls was almost as fun and relaxing as Alan Wakes vacation would have undoubtedly been had (SPOILER ALERT!) darkness not stolen his wife. May also gave us the excellent man-on-man face punching simulator, 'UFC Undisputed 2010.' I guess you can’t complain too much about releasing a title every year, if they continue to upgrade like this.

... and Let us Not Forget
Lastly, May also gave us
'Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands.' Infinitely better than the Prince of Persia: Jake Gyllenhall Without a Shirt On* film, though somewhat confusing as to why the decided to return to the storyline they completed in 2005. Whatever, it was a fun game. I’m not complaining too much.

*(Note that “Jake Gyllenhall Without a Shirt On” is not the actual title.)


• Rockstar Games - RS San Diego - RS North
"Red Dead Redemption is a must buy. Every Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 owner should play this game (as long as they’re over 18 and not a member of PETA). The only reasons I can’t give this game a full 10 are the annoying glitches, connection issues and the lack of difficulty. Beyond that, this game is mint. From the beautiful vistas and voice acting to the powerful story and gameplay - I was hooked from beginning to end. I thoroughly enjoyed almost every second, however it wasn’t until I got to the end (which blew me away) that I truly realized just how great the experience had been. Please run out to your local game shop and pick this one up."

• Nintendo
"Nothing will ever match the mind blowing gravity bending innovation that was experienced in the first game. Nothing can replace the initial awe of literally running around a planet, or long jumping into orbit that we experienced in the first game, but Galaxy far and away succeeds in refining a near perfect experience. You're Wii is going to be working harder than it has in a long time."

• Microsoft - Remedy Entertainment
"Alan Wake is a stellar experience that will live on in your mind days after the final credits role. The pacing, storytelling, and light based gameplay is astounding, making 'Alan Wake' one game that fans of narrative driven games shouldn't miss. While 'Alan Wake' suffers from a minor case of repetitiveness, it never becomes dull with the looming atmosphere 'Remedy' has constructed within 'Bright Falls.' More than a chess match with shadow puppets, 'Alan Wake' is one of the most alluring titles of the year that surpasses its lit up gimmick."

• THQ - Yuke`s Media
"UFC 2010 Undisputed improves on an already impressive 2009 offering thorough additional fighting styles, an online camp mode, and updated gameplay and presentation. While a preference seems to favor standup fighters and micro-management, the title’s robust engine more than compensates. In short, ‘UFC 2010 Undisputed’ is one of the best PS3 titles of the year to date."

• Ubisoft - Ubisoft Montreal
"Long time fans might snicker at another version of the Prince, after having to adjust to the new ‘Prince of Persia’ in 2008. However, ‘The Forgotten Sands’ isn’t that bad, it is actually really good, and even better yet, it’s not a movie-tie in placeholder, it’s a real game! This is how the Prince got his groove back, and despite my appreciation for the colourful edition, it feels good to have the old Prince back in the thick of things. ‘The Forgotten Sands’ might not have the same “wow-factor” as ‘The Sands in Time,’ but it is a memorable adventure with the Prince who started it all."

• Nintendo - HAL Laboratory
Quote... "I'm too busy playing Picross 3D to give you a quote about Picross 3D."