
Ah February. It seems like only five months ago I was encased in your wintry grasp, trying to hold back the tears as I shouted, “Jason!” in a crowded mall. 'Heavy Rain' was something new (unless you played 'Indigo Prophecy') and fantastic. An awesome concept with a mediocre story, but it was really about the character interaction, and that’s the part that they got right, so I am not complaining. We also returned to Rapture in February and discovered that while it may not have blown the brains out the back of our skulls like the first Bioshock did, 'Bioshock 2' was certainly a worthy follow up.

... and Let us Not Forget
February also saw the release of 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom' for the Xbox Live Arcade, giving us Braid-like puzzle solving time manipulation, an awesome gothic-noir art style and some of the best music ever to have the privilege of entering my ear canals. February also gave us 'Dante’s Inferno,' but who can remember what that game was about when not even a month later we got... que March.


• SCEA - Quantic Dream
"Heavy Rain is an experience like no other, and one that will be different for everyone who lets themselves fall into its spellbinding narrative. Quantic Dream has done an amazing job engrossing the player into a deeply felt story that has all the care and production of a feature film."

• 2K Games - 2K Studios - Digital Extremes
"Before heading into Bioshock 2, you had to wonder if a sequel was necessary. The original Bioshock was so perfect that fans couldn’t even imagine how '2K Games' would approach a sequel. Well, 2K and its collaborating studios have pulled off a brilliant sequel that holds up to the critical acclaim of the first game. Exploring Rapture for the second time might not hold the same feeling of wonder, but wandering around the halls as a spine-chilling ‘Big Daddy’ does. Bioshock 2 has enough improvements, character depth, and momentum to make it a must have for any gamer who enjoys narrative driven shooters."

• 2K Play - The Odd Gentlemen
"The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom' is a wonderful addition to the 'Xbox Live Arcade'. The whimsical nature of the art, music, and replicating gameplay is not only a refreshing take on platforming/puzzling games, but it's an excellent brain-straining challenge to all those “thinking” gamers who can endure a little trial-and-defeat."

• Electronic Arts - Visceral Games
"Dante’s Inferno is pure adrenaline, the type of game that makes you do a double take as you fight through the abominations of the screen. This adventure into Lucifer’s nine layers of hell is not for the weak a heart, or those who easily give up. In basics Dante's Inferno might only be a standard run, but it has its own unique challenges and dynamic atmosphere to keep you interested until the final confrontation at Lake Coeytus."