
March was the month of 'God of War III'! The epic finale to the most kid-friendly game ever! And by kid friendly I am of course referring to the extreme violence and often unnecessary, but entertaining, sex minigames. Probably not the best of the 'God of War' trilogy, but easily the best looking. March also gave us 'Battlefield: Bad Company 2,' which everyone loved, and knocked 'Call of Duty' right out the water! Whats that you say? Oh...

Among the plethora of baseball games, no other diamond in the rough shone as vividly as 'MLB 10: The Show,' or at least that is what I hear. I write about videogames during most of my free time, so sports tend to be somewhat of a mystery to me.

... and Let us Not Forget
The toy-box tower defense title 'Toy Soldiers' is also worth another plug. 'Toy Soldiers' developed by 'Signal Studios' has the miraculous power to take time away from you, without you even noticing. It`s addictive, it`s cheap, and it`s fun.


• SCEA - SCEA Santa Monica
"God of War III' is a triumph that lives up to the hefty expectations that the studio set for itself-- and more importantly the expectations of the hardcore crowd who has been waiting on Kratos return. ‘God of War III’ doesn’t try overly to innovate by sticking with the formula that made the original games so great-- 'God of War III' only amps this up, and excels."

• Electronic Arts - EA Digital Illusions CE AB
"Battlefield: Bad Company 2' comes armed with a heavy arsenal and some bad attitudes, and delivers another solid shooting experience that will please fans of the original, and dare I say it, the “COD” clan as well. The single player campaign might tweaked a little too close to the 'Modern Warfare' feel, but it is still highly entertaining as it shoots you down its barrel. "

MLB10: The Show
• SCEA - SCEA San Deigo
"If you own a Playstation 3 and enjoy Baseball, then you need to purchase 'MLB10: The Show'. This game, like previous editions, is a stand out homerun that will keep players busy all season long. The only real issue in MLB10 comes from the grips of the hardcore fanbase, which is ok, but will likely be unnoticeable to most. These are some A.I. tendencies, some minor glitches, and a little bit of online lag. Again, these are all minor tags that will likely be addressed with a patch."

• Microsoft - Signal Studios
"Toy Soldiers is a great entry in the 'Tower Defense' genre. Any fan of TD games will love being able to take control over so many units during one game. Other than a really infuriating A.I. issue, this game is really well put together and polished, and will give any strategy fan hours of entertainment."