

Professor Genki wants to invite you into his mad world of death and excitement with the VII Genkibowl. Is it worth participating, we'll let you know.

Genkibowl might sound like an oriental cuisine of noodles from a late night restaurant, but its more dangerous than unexpected spicy noodles. Genkibowl, and in this case Genkibowl VII is a free download for those who purchased the Saints Row: The Third “Season Pass” or purchasable for those who haven't bit down on the Season Pass. Bragging about Genki Girls, Angry Tigers, Sexy Kittens and more, Genkibowl VII gives us a little more of that funktastic “Saints” mojo wrapped up into a small downloadable package. Although, light on expectations, Mr. Genki sure knows how to have fun.

By selecting the mission “Apocalypse Genki” from the menu, you will be prompted to head to Wesley Cutter International to start your participation in the event. Mocked up, strapped on with ESPN flair, the commentators will quickly have u laughing. In this first maze of Genki you might find the navigation a little confusing and possibly frustrating, but the clever and sarcastic nature of the writing keeps the random blasting fun. However, I did encountered a bug that wouldn't let me finish the level. A quick re-boot of the entire game fixed that problem, but be prepared to for some inperfection.

From here you are off to the “Super Ethical PR Opportunity.” (Psst: I think i was at one these events last year) This section is more exciting then a simple maze run. Here you will have the one-and-only Professor Genki in a flaming throwing good time around town. Sure this event is just a variation from the main game, but the inclusion of the new whip and having Genki as your wingman adds a necessary dosage of spice. Following this “Sexy Kitten Yarngasm” comes up on the agenda. Interesting name, and even more interesting event. Here you will put on your Katamari rolling hat and roll a giant ball of yarn through the city causing mahyam. Its straight forward, totally rediculous, but a whole lot of fun. Rewards a plently, and for this event you will get the Verminator quad. LOL. You gotta see this thing. Hmm, I can't even imagine what doesnt make it into the game.

After the quick secession of missions are over that are promted from your cell, you are left up to your own devices to re-engage these missions. Like the rest of the mini-games, you can find them on the map and enjoy. It's feels like kinda of a co-op because from the start I was expected some type of story tie-in. Even without it, and left slightly disapointed, the events themselves are fun. More unlockables are highlights giving you more allies and toys to play with.

So the question of the moment is... is Genki worth 800MS Points? well that really depends on how much you love Saints. The modes are fun, the unlockables are worth messing around with and it will give you another few hours of enjoyment. However, the lack of conhesive polish to the add-on, the passed over narrative and the slightly repeptitive vien of some of the mini-game is a downer. Luckily this is a free be for Season Pass holders, but for those with sparace points. I would hold out for something with a little more grit. No one can say Violation isn't creative, we just need more milk with our kitties.

  • New weapons will benefit new players
  • Some challenges for those who are looking for a little more
  • New achievements to gather
  • Feels empty compared to the other DLC packs
  • No narrative/mission structure here
  • Spring cleaning? Did we really need this add-on?
Quote: "If you like your guns or want a few more New Vegas achievements added to your gamerscore, then the Gun Runners' Arsenal add-on will interest you."
Reviewed by DowntownJimmy | 04.05.11

Similar Games: Fallout NV: Dead Money DLC (7.5) | Fallout: New Vegas (8.3)


Saints Row: The Third
Genkibowl VII




US Release
September '11


PS3, X360

Players 1
HD 1080p
5.1 surround
58.89 MB
320 MS Points
