
PG 1 | PG 2

Time Crisis: Razing Storm
'Time Crisis: Razing Storm' is another arcade port of the 2009 game of the same name. 'Razing Storm' is more impressive then 'Time Crisis 4,' although it hasn't abandoned its silly narrative roots. Players can shoot through an arcade mode or head in for the drama in the story mode. The action here is a combination of terrorists killing and mech battles, which looks like something out of 'Metal Gear Solid 4.' For the most part the action is extremely fast with a shield and pedal reloading system built in. All the shooting is fun, but it lacks any real strategy aside from shoot the big ones first. With two players the game is a lot more fun along with a few weapons that are used in different situations to liven things up like the 'Rocket launcher' and 'Satellite Laser Pointer.' It's not rocket science, although pegging those high scores will take some challenge.

In addition to the normal story mode and 'Sentry Mode' which is an outtake from the main game, you can head online for its some FPS action. Yes, a 'Time Crisis' first-person shooter. In a sort of budget edition of 'Call of Duty' you will (very slowly) compete in some head-to-head team action. More than a simple death match, objectives will have to be captured, your character levels up, you change the payload, and it even has its own version of a 'kill cam.' It's very odd to say the least, a total surprise mode that doesn't even let you know what it is. When I first jumped into the match with the PS Wand in my hand, I was just sitting there, going "ok cool, a FPS" then I thought wait, "how do I move?" and then it finally hit me, this is a full out shooter, no wand, no light-gun, just grab the controller and go. This might be cool if it could hold a candle to the massive number of shooters on the market, but sadly its outdated, slow, and ultimately boring.

Editors Note: The online Muliplayer supports the combination of Playstation Wand and Playstation Navigation controller along with above mentioned selections.


Trophies, I Like You, You Like Me?
Lastly, if you like Trophies then 'Rising Storm' might be worth the purchase for this fact alone. Considering the game installs each title on your system, you will have three different sets of Trophies to aim for. Three platinum in one game, sounds like a deal! In terms of difficulty they aren't overly hard and something a pair of gamers could snag up in a few sittings. Things like co-op gaming, “S” rankings and getting your name of the leaderboard are common Trophies within each game.

The good news with the 'Time Crisis: Razing Storm' compilation is that you won't be spending a few hundred dollars in quarters to get through all three included games. This shooting experience is discounted to $69.99 CND, a questionable deal, if your not factoring in the run-time, which adds up to about two hours. While I wasn't thrilled about the backwards production and archaic menu system, when you're in the game shooting away, 'Razing Storm' is hams so much that you can't help having fun. The over-the-top arcade sights and sounds won't be for everyone, but if you want a fast-paced game to get some miles out of, this is a good option.

  • Three games are better then one
  • Fast paced shooter with some cheap thrills
  • Playstation home rewards
  • Made for co-op, a lot more fun with two players
  • Leaderboard support in all games
  • Trophy Hunters, easy breezy hunting here
  • Dated visuals and sound
  • Backing soundtrack becomes irritable after a while
  • Long, Long, Install and load times
  • Clunky menu system
  • No tutorial mode, you'll have to figure this out on your own
  • Once its over, not too much motivation to revisit
  • Never get off the rails, online FPS mode is garbage
Quote: "The good news with the 'Time Crisis: Razing Storm' compilation is that you won't be spending a few hundred dollars in quarters to get through all three included games. This shooting experience is discounted to $69.99 CND, a questionable deal, if your not factoring in the run-time, which adds up to about two hours."
Reviewed by DowntownJimmy | 11.09.10

Similar Games: The Shoot (6.6)


Time Crisis
Razing Storm

Namco Bandai

Namco Bandai


US Release
October '10



Players 1-2
Online MP 2-8
HD 720p
Dolby 5.1
PS Eye Required
Move Enabled
Navigation Stick
GunCon 3 Enabled
3516MB HD Req