
Reviewed by Downtown Jimmy
January 25th 2004

Introduction:Have you ever wondered how it would feel to be competing around the world in prominence billard tournaments for the big bucks? The answers are in this silver disc from Jaleco. It's fun while it lasts, but anything beyond the tables is pretty dull.

The Game:Pool (or Billiards) games have never been that popular in the videogame world, mainly because it's hard to capture the same experience as the real thing. Sinking the strips and solids with a real cue will always hold president over a simulated experience. What World Championship Pool 2004 offers is chance to practice and perfect the physics of the game. Pool is a game of strategy and control, and this transfers well to the Xbox.

WCP2004 main catch aside from the multiplayer would be the career mode which will send you through tournaments until you hands fall asleep. Winning tournaments is always fun, and its great to know you can outsmart the computer with your wild cue ball skills. Besides personal satisfaction playing though the long tournaments will leave you with nothing special. Sure you can win some cash to purchase new clothes, balls or tables. but. its not that rewarding.

Don't be afraid, it's not that bad. WCP2004 features five other modes besides the career mode to cover all the styles of the game. You can mix it up between 8 Ball, 9 Ball, Straight Pool, Trick Shots and Snooker. That's plenty of pool to keep you busy for a while. If you're into the sport of billiards, you will love this game. Compared to other specialized spots titles its unfortunate more resources aren't put into the development of these titles.

note to self: memorize tricks shots to impress the ladies in da club

Graphics & Sound:The weakest point of World Championship Pool is the graphics. The are pretty weak for a next generation console game. The character models look off, textures are pretty horrible and it's all run at a low resolution. The graphics aren't the main focus of the game, so it doesn't ruin the experience. The only positive aspect to the graphics is the camera angles once in a while for their little cut scene animations. Graphics don't make a game, but they sure help.

The sound as you probably anticipated isn't at the level EA sports quality, but at least some audio is present. The commentary is quite good actually and the transitions between comments on the shots are excellent. Thankfully they have this feature in the game, because it makes the matches more exciting and gives some insight into the strategy of the game. One strange quirk in the audio is that you are announced as "They" and the announcer seems to talk to himself.

Innovation:A World Championship Pool works miracles within duplicating the real life physics of the pool table. The player has totally control over shooting. You can adjust the angle of the cue, and adjust the aiming spot on the cue ball to recreate backspin, jump shots and other techniques. The game reacts exactly how you would expect which is the most important feature. Another notable innovation comes in the way of a console first! World Championship Pool can be enjoyed online! Nice, Nice.

Mojo:How much mojo would you expect out of a pool game? Since WCP2004 twists more towards a simulation you won't find any exceptional mojo. The online play gives boosts some nice mojo points for the pool hall junkies, but the under stellar graphics make it hard to sink.

Lowdown:Pool fans, this is your baby. and your only option on the Xbox. Casual fans will find some enjoyment, but it will wear off sooner than later. World Championship Pool focuses and accomplishes excellent gameplay and a wide selection of modes. That's the good, the bad is the outside coating which is no pretty duck.

Gameplay: 7, Graphics/Sound: 5, Innovation: 5, Mojo: 6. Final: 6

  • Single Player, Multiplayer and Online Play
  • 6 Modes of Play: 8-Ball, 9-Ball, Career Mode, Snooker, Trick Shots and Fun Games like Countdown, Target Table, Minefield, plus more!
  • Unique Aiming Aid that allows gamers to play like a pro

World Championship Pool 2004
Blade Interactive
Alt. Sports
Dec. 2003