

Playstation Move - Hands On Impressions
By Downtown Jimmy (09.15.10)

Sony invited the press to Toronto for a sneak peek at their entry into the motion controller game. The event might not have been in the most luxurious of spots, a furniture store rarely screams “Games!” However it's not the location that mattered, it is what was inside, the Playstation Move. So amongst the unaffordable end tables, high-end lamps, and stylish sofa's, we had the chance to experience the 'PS Move' peripheral first-hand.

The first thing we noticed about the controller (or the wand as Playstation calls it) is its sensational design. The controller is lightweight, but not super-light that you would forget you have it in your hand (we don’t want anymore broken TV’s,) ergonomically build with a sturdy casing that feels natural in your hand. The receiver to the magic, the diode emitting bulb on the top of the wand is another interesting touch to the 'PS Move.' No doubt the reason the wand can be tracked by the 'PS Eye' with perfect 1:1 motion. Although the aesthetics might not be for everyone with some of the illuminating colours deterring some of the male demographics. Nevertheless, the design is near perfect for the application it is being used for, this is one slick design.

Sports Champions
For games we had the chance to run through several modes in Sony’s launch title that will be bundled with the unit called ‘Sports Champions,’ along with the adorable 'Eye Pet.' Sports Champions is probably the most interesting game to come out on the launch, and a great way to show off the dynamics of the motion tracking peripheral. Sports Champions is a collection of six mini-games strung together with a group of overly generic characters who are competing amongst one another.

Breaking down the mini-games looks like this volleyball, bocce ball, disc golf (Frisbee), table tennis (Ping-Pong), gladiator dual, and archery. Three of the games support two wands (gladiator dual, archery, volleyball) although they all can be played with one wand. The second option of another wand makes a world of difference giving you another limb of total 1:1 control. Holding the bow with one hand in archery or battling it out without the full control of your shield is can’t compare when you pick up the second wand and take on Sony’s new world of motion controls.

The tracking seemed to be right on the money, on par with the Wii-Motion plus from our early tests. Given we didn’t have too much time to fool around with every single mode, although from we experienced the wand responded without lag. Playing games like Table Tennis and Disc Golf are fun; however, it’s not overly exciting like dualing it out as gladiators. What has been called a copy cat of Wii-Sports; Sports Champions doesn’t feel anything like Nintendo’s top selling sporting simulator. It is obvious Playstation is going for a different crowd and wants to establish the Move on its own merits.

Awww, It's the Eye Pet
Moving on to the 'EyePet,' it was obvious we were looking at something special. What is an 'EyePet?,' well it is basically game that projects a virtual animal into your very own gaming room. Using the camera to record and project the little creature’s likeness in your surrounding is rather charming and something that is instantly eye catching. Add in the new support of the 'PS Move' and the immersiveness doubles. The 'EyePet' might not be in the hardcore crowds must have list, however for younger gamers; this will be on the top of their lists.

Observing the fury pet interacting with motions from the wand augments reality and is very entertaining. What really drew us in was when we seen a doodle of an airplane turn into a virtual airplane that you 'EyePet' flew into the sky. The charm and warmth of this title is something special, and even though it's not going to be everyone's "cup of tea," it might be a surprise a lot of 'PS Move' owners.

The Playstation World Expands
The 'PS Move' is sure to change the way people think about the Playstation brand and the type of gamers who want to step into their virtual world. Much like the Wii, operating the 'PS Move' is natural, like an extension of your own arm. This easy of play and the precision of the technology is sure to make 'PS Move' a hit this holiday season. Even though Sony isn’t the first one up in the motion controlling race, it seems like the patience and extra time not to jump the gun was a smart move. So far, the 'PS Move' is impressive and we can’t wait to give you a full rundown when the 'PS Move' is released on September 17th in North America.

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