
Reviewed by Downtown Jimmy
Dec 15th 2002

Introduction: Eidos brings a mature tale of vampire blood sucking to the consoles with its second Blood Omen game. Kain is back with a some new fangled tricks.

Lowdown:I loved the concept behind this game and i was pumped to have a taste of blood. Too bad this game didn't live up to my expectations. The story was excellent and its good to have a more matured themed games for Xbox.

I found the actual gameplay to be too much of an old rehash of the same standard 3rd person deal. The voice-over's i felt where pretty weak and i also felt that the graphics where below the Xbox standard. The poor production in the graphics, linear gameplay and run of the mill story line makes sick.

I want more, give us more! I know a great vampire game can be made, so lets have it. If they make another Blood Omen title, i hope they try and be more innovate like the first game was on the PC.

"Rent this first"

Gameplay: 5, Graphics/Sound: 6, Innovation: 5, Mojo: 5. Final: 5

  • Execute fierce attacks and brutal combos with battle-axes, swords and other heavy metal weaponry.

  • When weapon edges dull on bone and steel, turn to Dark Gifts such as berserk and stealth to exact your lethal will.

  • Lead Kain through highly detailed environments of gothic nightmare, host to thieves, knights, and demons of all sort.

  • Drink the blood of your enemy prey in streams up through the cold air from their still warm bodies.

  • In pursuit of power or just the thrill of the kill, Kain's lust for blood is inspiring.

Blood Omen II
Crystal Dyanmics
March 2002
